Dec 24, 2015

The Nigerian Model

Sometimes I attend a Monday's drawing group that has costumed models. The woman who runs the session very enthusiastic about finding models and creating a staged presentation or themes once the model arrives in our old barn of which is our art league's head quarters.
   I receieved text from her about a young Nigerian woman posing for us this Monday and she would be wearing a traditional African clothing. When I arrived with my portable easle I was asked to help to set up the model, and I did.
      The model was a lovely young women with dark complexion wearing a purple out fit, whether it was authentic or not I don't know, but I liked the color arrangement.  Once settled into her pose we all started to draw, but there was one flaw and that was the model kept nodding off (sleeping) while we drew her. I asked why and she said she was up all night, doing what I didn't ask,  sometimes had I asked her to open here eyes.
   Below is the pastel drawing/painting I did while there.

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